Ransom Poetry

They're everywhere and in the most unlikely places-lurking on the pages magazines floating disconnected in the headlines of newspapers and printed matter of every kind.  What are?  
All you have to do is liberate them-one word at a time.  It's is really simple-an bound to be amusing!

An original:


You'll need a pair of scissors, old newspapers, magazines, or junk mail.  Choose a partner.

Step 2:
Cut out words, phrases or letters that interest you-50 to 100 of them.  Don't worry about how the words will fit together.  Just cut out words that spark your interest; words that are full of energy, unusual, or funny.  Look for words hiding inside other words.  When you are done, don't throw the paper away.  You may want to go back later and grab some more of the little words/widgets-punctuation marks or words such as a, the, of and is

Step 3:
Lay the cut outs on the desk and move them around.  Arrange them into phrases, rhythms, sound groups, even shapes.  Patch parts of words together to make new ones.

Step 4:
Read words out loud.  Play with the line breaks.  Position certain words for emphasis or rhyme.  Add new phrases.  Be inventive!

Step 5:
Glue or tape the words to a piece of paper in the order you settle on.  The poem doesn't have to make sense-as long as it makes you smile.

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